Christian Service Opportunities
Christian Service Opportunities: Unless other contact information is given, you can get more information about any of the opportunities below by contacting the Christian Service Office at 734-464-4436.
1st Communion Clothing Collection 1st Communion Clothing (boys and girls) is collected in March and given to Christ the King Parish. Advent Giving Tree Giving Tree tags are available in mid November. The tags include information indicating the age and size of the person in need and are donated to parishes in Detroit and local families in need. Wrapped and unwrapped gifts are returned the beginning of December and placed under the Giving Tree in the Gathering Space of church. It is a beautiful sight in the season of giving. Altar Linens The altar linens are laundered weekly by volunteers on a monthly basis. More volunteers are always needed. Art Workshop Join in the fun of painting with water color, charcoal, colored pencils or pastels with other artists – both brand new and experienced – on Tuesdays at 9:30 am in the Social Area. Assisted Living Visits Parishioners take the Eucharist weekly to Angel Gardens Assisted Living in Livonia. Athletics There is a St. Colette men’s softball team with games on Tuesdays at 7:00 pm at the St. Colette Parish field. Blood Drive St. Colette Parish sponsors four blood drives each year to help reduce the blood shortage and to save lives. You can help by either donating blood or by volunteering to help promote and run our blood drives, resulting in more blood being donated. “Together, we can do more.” Our blood drives are scheduled in March, June, September and December. Book Rack There is a book rack in the Gathering Space of the church that contains pamphlets covering a variety of faith related topics. Calling Birds The Calling Birds are a group of parishioners that sends cards and/or notes once a month to those who are ill, infirm, grieving, or to those giving care to those people. Handmade sympathy cards are also sent to parish families that have lost a loved one. The Calling Birds meet on the third Monday of the month at 9:30 am in Room A of the Activities Building to make the beautiful handmade cards. If you are interested in joining this ministry, please call Ann Durack at 734-464-6105. Meets on the 3rd Monday at 9:30 am in Room A. (No July or December). Christian Crafters Christian Crafters is a group of knitters and crocheters that meet once a week on Thursdays from 9:30 am-12:00 pm. This group makes chemo hats for women who have lost their hair from cancer treatments, blankets for Hospice and nursing homes, hats and gloves for the homeless, and baby items for the Women’s Guild annual baby shower. Great friendships have been formed and we have a wonderful time together. If you don’t know how to knit or crochet, members of the group are willing to give you lessons. If you have questions or are interested in joining this group, please call Mary Stafford at 734-591-0997. Meets Every Thursday at 9:30 am in Room A. Crafter’s Potluck 4 times per year (March, June, September, December), Art Workshop, Calling Birds, Christian Crafters, Haiti’s Angels, Mat Makers, and the Quilter’s Circle gather together for a potluck lunch. Coffee, Juice, Donuts, and Bagels Usually the last weekend of the following months: January, February, March, April, May, September, October & November are set aside for the serving of free coffee, juice, donuts, and bagels after Mass. Come socialize with fellow parishioners after each Mass. Daughters of Isabella Blessed Mother Teresa Circle #1413 The order of the Daughters of Isabella is an international charitable organization of Catholic women over the age of 16. We were founded on our motto of Friendship, Unity and Charity. Our purpose is to unite local women in sisterhood to achieve the following goals:
Family Mission Day This takes place on a Saturday during the summer months. Several options have been offered in the past couple of years. Food/Non Food Drives Food/monetary contributions are collected the third weekend of every month (except December). Donations are delivered to organizations in Detroit, including Loaves and Fishes, St Christine's Outreach, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Sr. Judie's Outreach to assist the needy. We also support Livonia Cares with non food items/monetary donations. Funeral Luncheons The purpose of the St. Colette Funeral Luncheon Committee is to offer a comforting setting for the family and friends of the deceased to gather nearby after the funeral Mass. They can partake in a delicious catered meal and reminisce about the life of their relative or friend. Parish volunteers are responsible for the setup, serving, and clean up. If you are interested in joining this rewarding ministry, please call the Christian Service Office at 734-464-4436. Haiti’s Angels Haiti’s Angels is a group of people recycling and providing for the less fortunate. They meet on Wednesdays from 1:30-4:00 pm in room A of the Activities Center. They make blankets, dresses, and pants from donated sheets and pillowcases. Since the beginning of this ministry in February of 2009, over 6700 items have been shipped to Food for the Poor in Haiti. The Angels need many hands to do their work. Sewing skills are not necessary to be part of this worthwhile ministry. Some of the projects can even be done at home. If you have any questions or are interested in joining us, please call Marisa Pasqualone at 248-478-2247. Meets Every Wednesday from 1:30 pm- 4:00 pm in Room A. Home bound Visits Volunteers take the Eucharist on a weekly basis to parishioners who are home bound due to poor health or restrictions caused by aging. Please call the Christian Service Office at 734-464-4436 if you would like to volunteer to help or know someone who could benefit from this ministry. Honoring the Military Please call the Parish Office at 734-464-4433 to add or take off a name of person serving in the military. Their name will be included in a listing that appears in the bulletin on a weekly basis. Hospitality Volunteers help with set-up, serving and clean-up at various parish receptions. Lenten Family Service Day The Lenten Family Service Day takes place on a Sunday during Lent. This is an opportunity for families of all sizes to participate in acts of charity. Mat Makers The Mat Makers meet every Wednesday from 9:45 am-12:00 pm in rooms A and B of the activities building. The mats they make are created from recycled plastic bags that have been cut into strips, tied together and then crocheted or knitted together. Volunteers are needed to flatten, fold, cut, tie, crochet and knit. The mats become portable sleeping mats for the homeless of Detroit. Since the beginning of this ministry in June of 2012, over 40 mats have been completed and distributed to Sr. Judie's Outreach “treasures of the street”. If you are interested in joining the Mat Makers or have any questions, please call Jan DiBasio at 248-478-2995. Meets Every Wednesday at 9:45 am in Room A. Slice of Blessings This event is held the Wednesday evening before Thanksgiving following the 7:00 pm Mass. Enjoy a slice of pie while socializing with fellow parishioners. Outreach Parishioners, as well as area businesses, donate food, clothing, etc that is delivered to the needy. Parish Family Picnic The Parish Family Picnic is held on the Sunday after Labor Day on the Parish Grounds, from 1:00 pm– 5:00 pm. There is a nominal fee per person/ per family to attend, and the ticket price includes food and games. The food options are hot dogs, chips, popcorn, pop, snow cones, ice cream, and more. There are games, and activities for all ages. This is a great opportunity to visit with parishioners you already know or to meet new people from the parish. There are also opportunities to volunteer to help with set up, clean up, and help during the picnic. Quilters Circle The Quilter’s Circle meets most Mondays from 9:30 am-12:00 pm in room B of the Activities Building. This group sews lap and baby quilts using donated cotton fabric. The finished quilts have been donated to nursing homes, the Felician Infirmary, and St. Mary-Mercy’s Cancer Center. Each February, baby quilts are donated to the Lennon Center. The Youth Group takes some of the quilts to Appalachia each summer and recently quilts were donated to Rachel’s Vineyard in Saginaw. New members are always welcomed. If you sew but have never quilted, we’ll be glad to provide instruction. If you are interested in joining the Quilter’s Circle, please call the Christian Service Office at 734-464-4436. Meets Every Monday at 9:30 am in Room B. School Supplies / Valentine Candy Collection School supplies and Valentine Day candy are collected and delivered just before Valentine’s Day to Catholic elementary schools in Detroit. Soup Kitchen For about six years St. Colette has provided volunteers to prepare and serve meals at soup kitchens in Detroit. Currently, we are looking for people who can help on an occasional basis. * All Saints Soup Kitchen – third Thursday of the month, 8:30 am-1:45 pm * St. Leo’s Soup Kitchen – fourth Friday of the month, 9:00 am-1:30 pm Toy Drive As part of the Advent Giving Tree project, toys for children living in poverty stricken Detroit parishes are collected. These are returned to the church unwrapped at the beginning of December. |
St. Colette Catholic Church
17600 Newburgh Road Livonia, MI 48152 734-464-4433 [email protected] Weekend Schedule Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 noon |