The Music Ministry at St. Colette Church presently consists of four choirs and one professional cantor under the direction of organist/choir director, Jill Goryca. Membership to any of the choirs presently functioning is always open to interested parishioners.
Choir Ministries
Adult Choir The Adult Choir is a vocal/guitar group of adult mixed voices which presently sings at the Sunday 9:30 am Mass. Their season runs from mid-September through the end of May. Rehearsals for the Adult Choir are on Wednesday nights from 7:30 pm-9:00 pm.
Resurrection Choir The Resurrection Choir is an adult choir of mixed voices which sings at funeral liturgies throughout the year. The Resurrection Choir sings primarily in unison. This choir is “on call” for funeral liturgies during the day, during the church year. Most funeral liturgies occur at 10:30 am Monday – Saturday. An information sheet regarding music selections is available through the church office. Music minister must be contracted for participation by other soloists to coordinate rehearsals, music selection, etc.
Children’s Choir The Children’s Choir is comprised of children generally ages 7-12. This choir sings at the Children’s Mass on Christmas Eve. The children presently rehearse in the Music Room of the church on Wednesdays, from 4:45 pm-5:30 pm. Rehearsal tapes are provided for them to facilitate memorization of music, so reading skills while helpful, are not necessary.
Cantors Presently, we have one professional cantor at St. Colette, Ryan Banar. He is available to sing at funerals and weddings. For more information about his availability, please contact Mark Newlon. We encourage singers who are interested in canting to contact the Music Ministry Office. Cantors are needed throughout the year, but especially in the summer months. For new cantors, an audition with the Music Minister is required, and rehearsals will be scheduled on an individual basis.
Wedding Music All couples being married at St. Colette need to contact Mark Newlon to arrange wedding music. Outside soloists and instrumentalists are always welcome, but arrangements must be made in coordination with Mark Newlon.
General Information For any questions concerning choir membership, the cantor program or any other musical issues, please contact Mark Newlon at (734)464-4374.