Family is the first place of faith because it is where children learn about Jesus' love, forgiveness, and how to serve others.

Faith Formation assists families in helping them come to know Jesus and thereby become all that God wants us to be. Being properly formed in our Catholic faith and listening to God allows us to understand if we are on the right path. Students learn that Jesus is always present in their lives, even in amidst the challenges they may face. You and your children will learn to see the signs of God's love all around them.
Thank you for your interest in St. Colette Catholic Church. We look forward to serving you and your family. God Bless!
Thank you for your interest in St. Colette Catholic Church. We look forward to serving you and your family. God Bless!
Program Policies
** To register for the current year, your family account from the past year needs to be paid in full. PLEASE NOTE: Registrations will NOT be accepted with past due balances. ** Students are expected to be enrolled in St. Colette Faith Formation for two years before they can complete a sacrament here. If your family is new to the parish and you have a child in need of a sacrament, we will need to contact your former parish to get any faith formation records on file for your family. |
Program Fees
For families registered as a parishioner at St. Colette or in our Family of Parishes (Our Lady of Victory, St. Edith, St. Kenneth): SCAP - $125 per family for tuition, $40 per student for workbook/materials Fee includes coursebook and classroom materials, art materials, and snacks. Sacrament Fees - for more information on Sacraments see the Religious Education drop down box at the top of this page. First Communion/Holy Eucharist - $35 First Reconciliation - $25 Confirmation - $55 |
Religious Education Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday 8am-4pm
Friday 8am-1pm
Phone: 734-464-4435
Email: [email protected]
Kim Glowicki - Director of Faith Formation
Aileen Picano - Faith Formation/Religious Education Coordinator
Monday-Thursday 8am-4pm
Friday 8am-1pm
Phone: 734-464-4435
Email: [email protected]
Kim Glowicki - Director of Faith Formation
Aileen Picano - Faith Formation/Religious Education Coordinator