Middle School Youth Ministry
We’re excited to invite you to another year of middle school youth ministry! We have a very positive community of teens who gather together to build friendships, do service projects, and have fun together. Our 2023-2024 is below - save the dates! If you have a 7th or 8th grader and you are NOT on our Flocknote parent list for Middle School Ministry, contact our office and we can add you. You'll get a reminder email about our monthly meetings, and information and permission slips for any activities we offer. You can print permission slips for any upcoming events HERE.
2023-2024 Activities
Three Cedars Fall Extravaganza Friday, Oct. 20th—7-10pm Kids Against Hunger Service Project Friday, Nov. 10th—6:00-8:30pm Advent Service Blitz Friday, Dec. 1st—6:00-8:30pm Bowling and Beatitudes Saturday, Jan. 27th - time TBD Souper Bowl of Caring Collection Saturday & Sunday, Feb. 10-11th (after all masses at St. Colette) Easter Basket-Making Service Project Saturday, Mar. 2nd—time TBD Zoo Scavenger Hunt Saturday, Apr. 20th—time TBD |
St. Colette Catholic Church
17600 Newburgh Road Livonia, MI 48152 734-464-4433 [email protected] Weekend Schedule Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 noon |