Lenten Series: Basis for the Mass
The Mass is the core of Catholic faith yet we understand little as to the why behind what we do and say. Theresa Lisiecki, our Director for Religious Education will be offering a five week series that will explore, from our walking in the door to the final action of blessing ourselves, the understandings and meanings behind the many components of Mass. Classes will meet from 7pm to 8:30pm, beginning Tuesday, March 7th in the Library of the Activities Center. All are welcomed. There is no cost except your time. If you can make it for one or for all five you will get something out your commitment of time.

session-1-introduction_1_.pdf |

session-1-handout-overview-biblical-texts.pdf |

session-2-handout-liturgical-calendar.pdf |

session-2-penitential-rite-intro-to-readings.pdf |

session3-liturgyoftheword.docx.pdf |

session3handout-creed.docx.pdf |

session4handout-jewishtableprayers.docx.pdf |

session4-liturgyoftheeucharistpart1.docx.pdf |

session5-liturgyoftheeucharishtpart11.docx.pdf |

session6-communionriteandclosingrite.docx.pdf |